
Each year the Parish Council asks for a sum of money,
called a ‘precept’, which is collected through your Council
Tax. For the tax year 2024-25, Austrey Parish Council will
receive a precept payment of £17500.
The Parish Council can also apply for grants or loans and
can receive money from rents or leases at Austrey Playing Fields. This money is used by to improve facilities and services for local people and to run the council.
Your Council Tax covers the cost of services at
several different levels:
The County (WCC) – have wide ranging
responsibilities such as maintaining local roads, providing
schools and social services.
The police force – at County level but financed separately.
The Borough (NWBC) – provide refuse collection,
maintain the village environment, provide leisure
services, social housing etc.
The Parish Council – provide a wide range of village amenities – Christmas trees, dog waste & litter bins, the bus shelter, flower tubs, grit bins, and development and amenities at the playing fields, including the playground & CCTV. The Parish newsletter and the website are also funded by the precept.
A breakdown of how Austrey Parish Council uses money from the precept can be seen by clicking on the budget which is published on this website. The Parish Council's Annual Accounts and related documents are also available to view online.