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Have you thought about volunteering to help others within Austrey Village? Volunteers are important and they make a real difference to the lives of other people, our community and the environment.

What are we looking for ?

We are looking to build a resource bank of people who can be called when there is a specific project to be carried out, or for ongoing help around the village.  Examples of how you might help could include (but are not limited to):

  • Ongoing village maintenance - eg: painting the railings at the children’s play area at Austrey Playing Fields or painting the bus shelter

  • Newsletter – submitting articles or helping with deliveries

  • Village Planters - donations of annual flowering plants, planting up, watering

  • Emergency contacts – do you have skills that could be of help in a major emergency ? (flood, winter freeze etc).  This could be plumbing services, help delivering goods to the elderly or disabled etc.

  • Volunteer drivers needed - Have you got a car? Do you want to do something to help your community? Can you spare a few hours a week?  Beeline pays tax free mileage expenses and insurance cover. To find out more about being a volunteer please call 01827 717074 or visit

Please email to register your interest in helping.

Don’t be disappointed if we don’t contact you, as we may not need your skills at the time of your registration – be assured however that your willingness to help out is very much appreciated.

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